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Class of 1964

Barbara      Olivastro

Barbara Olivastro.jpg (19784 bytes)
What are you doing these days?
Trying to stay warm!  I'm the bookkeeper for a private prep school..see our website at: www.brewsteracademy.org

Tell us about your children.  
Tell us about your children I have a daugher, Deena, age 37 lives in Tucson AZ.  I also have a son, Steve, 35 who lives in York Maine with his wife and 3 sons (ages 4 yr; 2 yr; & 7 mos)

Highlights of the past 40 years.
Move to Rhode Island and got married in '66.  Did most of the things young families do while establishing roots (local politics, civic organizations, running a small business, etc, etc) and bringing up kids (little league, dance school, boy scouts, girl scouts, CYO etc).  Divorced after 28 yrs of marriage and moved to the "wilds" of New Hampshire...enjoying the rural, quiet life.

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
Enjoy the moment...it's all we're guaranteed

Your funniest memory(s)while at PSHS.
Trying to get from gym class (showers) to my next class in time (and not looking like I was trying to get from gym class showers to my next class in time)

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