Class of 1964 |
Bob Boyle |
Tell us about your children.
Sometimes the youngest daughter gives you the first grandchild - who's to figure. Words of Wisdom to Impart? Wisdom is hard to find, but perhaps taking one day at a time makes some sense. Your funniest memory(s)while at PSHS. There are so many it would take the length of a novel to relate. I would also need the experience of having been in Sussman's English Class, as was never fortunate to experience. Many stories and graduation and life beyond can be shared when we get together. Please ask Tim Rellaford to return my call at 818-341-8102. General Unloading Done Here. Your choice of subject(s). Reunion committee has done a get job. I really like the Web-Site and other set-up. Thank all of you for giving you time to be so involved. It is very much appreciated by many even though we get comsumed with our other life routines. Let's include some people in other classes to our reunion?- I'm thinking about that- no Ernie Reyes and Jimmy Prendergast are in our class. So when you see them there know that I did not bring them. Let's have some fun. |