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Class of 1964

David Kennedy

What He/She Is Doing These Days:
We are Christians and have served as church planting missionaries in Japan for nearly 28 years. We will be returning to the Southern California this summer to help support & care for my 84-year-old mother, & multi-handicapped 64-year-old brother who live in Riverside.

About His/Her Children:
Jessica, 28, married – Baby due in May (1st grandchild).  Joel, 26, single – Cell-phone industry, plays/sings in band.  Rian, 24, married – K-12 P.E. coach at private school.  Brianna, 19 – Freshman in college.

Highlights of the Last 40 Years: 
College 2 years: ’64-’66; Marine Corps/Viet Nam/ Japan 4 years: ’66-’70; College (Psychology): ’70-’73; Japan – short term missionary:  ’74-’76; Seminary: ’76-’79; Japan – Evangelism/Church planting missionaries: ’79-present

Words of Wisdom: 
1) Be at peace today & don’t worry about tomorrow – it will take care of itself.  2) Commit yourself to tenderly relate to other people.  You do not know the heartache they may have experienced or may be experiencing.  You may be their last hope.

Most Embarrassing Moment in High School: 
Not being able to start the alma mater low enough!

The Way Things Ought to Be: 
I would love to see people learning the ways of Jesus Christ through personal faith in him as savior & lord.  I would love to share the Jesus I know – not the Jesus or Christianity that is presented & ridiculed by the news & magazines media.  The Jesus I know is with me daily in my thoughts, words, and actions.  He is with me during the days of calm & is with me during stormy days as well.  Jesus Christ really is the Way, the Truth, & the Life – now and forever!

 Pictured R. to L.: our oldest son, Joel (26), working in the cell phone industry; my wife, Kathleen, a wonderful wife, mother and life partner; our oldest daughter, Jessica (28), married, expecting and putting medical studies on hold; our youngest daughter, Brianna (19), a freshman in college; our youngest son, Rian (24), married and teaching/coaching at a K-12 private school; the old guy in the back is me!   I have been blessed with a wonderful family...none of us perfect but we're all of one heart!

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