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Class of 1964

Dorothy Wilson

Dorothy Wilson.jpg (12266 bytes)
What are you doing these days?
“Still working.”  I’m a hairstylist – just sold my salon in San Diego.   I’m trying to lessen my workload – you know how it goes.  My husband is an electrical engineer.  We’re both trying to figure out how we can retire early!!!

Tell us about your children.  
One son – Sean Tucker, 24 years – still trying to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up!

Highlights of the past 40 years.
Graduating in ‘64.  Went to COD for two years, graduated from beauty college in Palm Springs.   Moved to San Diego, lived at the beach, worked, got married in ’77 on Xmas Day.  Moved to Colorado in ’81, owned hair salon there, then moved to Houston, worked as a hair stylist & travel agent – traveled everywhere (what fun).  Moved back to San Diego(Rancho Bernardo) in ’88.  I’ve been very active in my industry, from a rep for Redken to owner/stylist to photo shoots for magazines, etc.  I’ve loved my work.  I’ve traveled to Europe many times for hair shows.  All the moves we made were due to my husband’s promotions.  The nice thing about my career, I could go anywhere and get a job

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
Always enjoy life – it’s so precious!!

Your funniest memory(s)while at PSHS.
I can’t remember!  Hee hee.

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