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Class of 1964

Ernie Reyes   

What are you doing these days?
Still teaching, retired from coaching, 2 years until I retire.

Tell us about your children.  
They are busy raising their families, going to school and teaching.

Highlights of the past 40 years.
My whole life is a highlight.

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
We pay more for our recreational needs than we do on our life sustaining needs.

Your funniest memory(s) while at PSHS.
Probably getting kicked off the varsity basketball team.  Oh yeah, and being kicked out of ASB, too.

General Unloading Done Here.  Your choice of subject(s).  
Things ought to be free!  Things ought to be easier!  Things ought to be fun!  Things ought to be funny!

Ernie built great outdoor B-B-Q facilities at his home.

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