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Class of 1964

Jay Miller   

Jay Miller.jpg (19675 bytes)
What are you doing these days?
I graduated from Cal in Poli Sci.   Spent 6 years at the Hebrew Union College where I earned my MA in Judaic Studies and was ordained as a Rabbi.

In 1971 I married Elise and we have two kids, Corey and Amy.   Corey was married to Katherine two years ago.

I was the campus rabbi at Florida International University in Miami for two years.   Rabbi at Temple Isaish in Palm Springs for one year.

Director Peninsula Clergy Network.  This is an organization recently funding by several foundations to provide for an association of clergy from all faiths on the Peninsula (north of San Jose and South of San Francisco). 

Tell us about your children.  
Corey is finishing his last year at Hastings Law School. He is currently on an exchange program in Copenhagen.  He is marrried to Katherine.  We will be returning from France/Italy/Copenhagen the day before the reunion.

Amy is working in San Francisco at a social service agency and will be attending grad school in Psychology in June.

All three graduated from Cal in recent years.

Highlights of the past 40 years.
I was the Rabbi for the universities in San Diego for 20 years.  For the last 10 years I have worked on community based projects in congregations and social service agencies.

Elise and I have been married for 32 years. She, also a Cal grad, works currently at Stanford as the communications director at the Haas Center for Public Service at Stanford.

Jay Miller and Marilyn Riordan.jpg (73472 bytes)

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