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Class of 1964

John Aitchison

What are you doing these days?
What are you doing these days? Kathy:  I am a Registered nurse and have been working with Home Health and Hospice for about 13 years.  John is a teacher for 6th grade and also has a commercial landscape business.  We recently build our "dream home" in Oregon on the Applegate River outside of Grants Pass...we spend about half of our time there until we retire (hopefully next year).  Love to travel and hang out with our family.

Tell us about your children.  
Tell us about your children  We have two great children.  Janean, lives in Medford, OR and works for the County court system and Garratt, lives in San Diego and is a supervisor for the State Parks.   We have 3 wonderful grandchildren; 18, 5, and 3 years old.

Highlights of the past 40 years.
Highlights of the past 40 years Kathy:  Professionally, getting our Medicare Hospice off the ground in our county and Southern OR.  Personally, living the last 39 years with my best friend, seeing our children grow into wonderful adults and giving us the best gift possible, our grandkids.  (Can you tell we're crazy about them.)
John:  The years have been family centered with Kathy, raising 2 great children, and supporting each other in establishing our careers in nursing and teaching.

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
I was going to leave that up to John, but he didn't have any either.

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