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Class of 1964

Joy Svoboda

What are you doing these days?
I am living in Portland, Oregon with my husband Milo and 2 of my children. I retired from Portland Public Schools in 2002 after teaching for 32 years in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades. I substituted and tutored in 2002. This past September I was hired to teach 1/2 time first grade at All Saints School. I love my profession and feel very blessed to look forward to going to work at a wonderful school. My husband Milo is a 6th grade teacher.

Tell us about your children.  
We have 4 children. Brian is 30 and has been married to Jenni for 7 years. Kristi is 26 and has been married to Steve for 2 years. Micah is 18 and will graduate in June and attend University of Oregon next year. Jordan is 16 and he is a sophomore. Both boys attend Central Catholic High School and are quite active in sports.

Highlights of the past 40 years.
I graduated from San Diego State in 1969 and I moved to Portland. I received my teaching certificate from Portland State and taught for 33 years. I married Chuck Fuhrman and lived in Portland until we were divorced in 1974. I moved back to Palm Springs for 4 years and taught in the desert. I moved back to Portland in 1977. I was married to Joe Churchhill in 1981. He died from cancer in 1984. I married Milo in 1985. We have been happily married for 19 years. We have devoted ourselves to our children and we are truly blessed with a wonderful family. We spend most of our free time attending our boys games and participating in activities at our boys high school and at our Parish.

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
My faith is strong and it has carried me through the good times and the hardest times. I truly appreciate my family and my devoted friends. I have remained close with Karin Tomack and also Ernie Reyes, who is considered one of our family.

Your funniest memory(s) while at PSHS.
My funniest and also most uncomfortable memory is eating some of Kent's delicious brownies one morning at school. I had more than one and discovered too late that his main ingredient was chocolate flavored ex-lax. I was "running" all day. I have many happy memories of Football games, dances, the senior homecoming float, and lunchtime with friends.

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