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Class of 1964

Marlene Biss

What are you doing these days?
Seven years ago Tom and I bought 9 acres in the Sangri De Christo mountains in northern New Mexico.  We are in the process right now of selling our ranch here in the desert after living here 30 years.  We are building our home in New Mexico and plan to retire as soon as our house here sells.  My art has been selling quite well (I specialize in portraits in watercolor), and I always seem to have commissions to work on.  I love the area we’re moving to in New Mexico because it is so inspiring!  We’re looking forward to a slower pace of living.

Tell us about your children.  
We have two children:  Peter, age 37, and Krisi, age 35.  Peter lives in Denver and has boys, ages 1 ½ yrs. & 3 ½ yrs.  Krisi lives next door here in the desert.  She married John Allquier, Jr. (Beth Stevens & John Allquier’s son).  They have a girl 8 ½ yrs. & a boy 6 ½ yrs.

Highlights of the past 40 years.

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
There is nothing in this world as important as the love of family and friends!!

Your funniest memory(s)while at PSHS.
Too many to mention. 

General Unloading Done Here.  Your choice of subject(s).  

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