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Class of 1964

Nancy Grier

Nancy Grier.jpg (18588 bytes)
What are you doing these days?
Running a Pool Cleaning business, Jerry Korte Pool Service, with my husband, golfing as often as possible, modeling for local golf shop and helped make a Video with Tommy Jacobs for his golf clinic at Tommy Jacob's Bel Air Greens here in Palm Springs.

Tell us about your children.  
We have 4 children.  Michael Hoch (37)is a Project Manager with Bovis Land Lease and resides in La Quinta, CA,he has one son, Travis who is 17.  Patricia Hoch(31)received her Bachelors Degree in Art at UCLB and is now teaching in the Sacramento area, she and husband Thomas Leong have one son, Gavin 10 months old. Curtis Korte (33), has his own pool business in Cathedral City, he and wife Tanya have 2 girls, Emma 5 and Molly 3. Clinton Korte (31) also has his own pool business in La Quinta, and is single. 

Highlights of the past 40 years.
Being introduced to my husband by Diane Oistad Hedgecock and expanding our family from two children each to a blend of 4.  Keeping in touch with so many friends over the years from our great Class of 64.  Hangar parties thrown by the infamous Jerry Blank.   Having a Series 7, and Series 63 stock brokers license as well as Insurance license while working for Merrill Lynch, and Bateman Eichler in the 1980's and 90's.

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
Memories are precious, friendships are treasures, live one day at a time.

Your funniest memory(s)while at PSHS.
When I blushed in General Science class when Mr. Summers  made the remark "It's like reading between the lines of "Forever Amber" just after I had read the book.  The most dramatic memory in High School was the assasination of John F. Kennedy, I remember leaving Coach Ballagh's typing class and walking to Nancy Workman's home and watching it on TV.

General Unloading Done Here.  Your choice of subject(s).  
People not standing up for their country, not taking responsibility for their own actions and the seeming lack of respect for others.

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