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Class of 1964

Paul Spillman

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What are you doing these days?
I stay busy running a few businesses.  Have a fleet of trucks that do Liquid Waste Pumping.  We also do Underground Septic and Sewer Construction.    Our other companies are involved in Real Estate, Finance, Internet Sales and a minor interest in a Carpet Cleaning company.   Everything runs with the help of many very talented and loyal people.   I have been blessed unbelievably. 

Tell us about your children.  
Son, Todd, 37, Married with two children.   Todd is a stock broker in Walnut Creek, CA.
Son,Tyler, 35, Married with two children.  Tyler lives in Cathedral City and runs a three truck Carpet Cleaning business and is now the principle stockholder.

Highlights of the past 40 years.
Got a Real Estate License in 1966, became a Broker in 1969.  Obtained a General Building Contractors license in 1972.   I have always been in business for myself.   I have opened/bought/sold 26 businesses since my teens.  Been married to Donna for most of my life and she has worked with me in many of them.   I've predominately stayed in Real Estate, Mortgage Companies and Construction but have also owned a Traveling Carnival for a bit of variety.  It has been a roller coaster ride but I've enjoyed myself the whole time.  Wayne Walker tells me its time to learn to play.  I think about that from time to time.

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
Matt 6:33 is what I would impart, although I am a miserable failure as an example.
I never planted a seed and got a crop the next day.  Immediate gratification is a curse.  Rewards come from consistency of effort over time.

Your funniest memory(s)while at PSHS.
The Drive In, of course, but for me it was also, in the summer time, jumping the fence at night to swim in the pool at the gym.   That was the only pool most of us DHS kids could use.

General Unloading Done Here.  Your choice of subject(s).  
Tired of people expecting something for nothing, lowering their lifestyle to approximate that something for nothing amount, and staying there blaming others for their problems.  Tired of all this "political correctness" crap.  Tired of the Liberal predominance prevalent today.  I don't believe in beating a kid, but I do believe in discipline.  The coach gave me swats a few times and I wouldn't call it child abuse.  I believe in freedom but not to pass out condoms in our schools or voice disrespect to our teachers.   I don't understand a person that takes advantage of and enjoys the benefits of our country but will not stand up for and/or fight for her, but instead, just bitches.  Not saying they don't have the right to bitch, I'm just saying I don't understand them and consider their rhetoric useless and non-productive. 

On the other hand, getting behind someone that "wants it" and is willing to get off their butt to do the work notwithstanding, is such a pleasure to be around.  I've always found it fun working with such people, our ventures made money for both and it is much easier for me than listening to blaming and bitching.   I've simply become cantankerous, I think.  Tired of wanting the best for another person, more than they want it for themselves.  It's like trying to "Push a Rope".

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