What are you doing these days?
I have been semi retired since Sept of 1999 when I rquested an enhanced
retirement package offered in conjuction with contined downsizing/restructing at Atlantic
Richfield Corp (ARCO). Currently spend a great deal of time outdoors (even during
the winter) with "Willow" our 22 month old yellow Lab who we rescued a year ago.
Also babysit two granddaughters (2 1/2 and 6 mo. old) every Friday with help from
wife and daughter (I'm full time, they split AM/PM shifts). Spend approximately one
day a week doing some consulting work. Manage to do some hunting with my son and
fishing with my wife Nancy.Tell us about your children.
We have two children, John 27, and Stacy 25. John was drafted by the San Fransico Giants
after his junior year at the Univ of Utah. He played minor league baseball for 3 years
before being released. He is married to a wonderful woman, Amber (who is an
attorney), and they have two daughters (2 1/2 and 6 mos.). John works for the local
cable TV company. Our 25 year old daughter,Stacy, after 7 years working on a college
degree, will finally graduate this May (she really buckled down the last two years).
She is currently living with us and plans to go to graduate school in Missoula next
Highlights of the past 40 years.
1. Married Nancy, August 22, 1970.
2. Made dean's list at San Diego State after returning from Army (there are those of
you who remember what a dismal student I was -- Grover W., Charlie P. are you out there?).
3. Being present at the birth of both my children (Nov 1976 and Nov 1978).
4. The marriage of my son and the birth of his two daughters.
5. My daughter's success in college over the last two years and her pending
graduation in May.
6. The death of my parents. Dad in Sept of 2000 and Mom in Oct of 2003.
They both had wonderful, full lives, but it was the end of an era.
Words of Wisdom to Impart?
The older I get, the less I really do know.
Your funniest memory(s)while at PSHS.
Senor Hess collapsing against the blackboard, with hand to brow, exclaiming Que
Barbaridad!!, as a passing senior (was that you Hugh?) blasted him with a squirt gun.
General Unloading Done Here. Your choice of subject(s).
Reunion committe has done a wonderful job. Thanks. Sorry I can't join you. |