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Class of 1964

Rita Sorenson

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What are you doing these days?
Shopping Centers/Commercial Leasing in Las Vegas and Summerlin, Nevada.   Cooking “anything” Italian for my friends.   Going to concerts and Playing Golf.  I’ve been reuniting with friends such as Kathy O., Stephanie and Paul Spillman.   Enjoy the moment.

Tell us about your children.  
I have eight;  they all have 4 legs!

Highlights of the past 40 years.
Graduated UCLA – BA in Communications
Warner Brothers/MGM – Vice President Publicity and Special Events (15 years) Los Angeles.
Traveled extensively.  No Children.   Lived in Santa Monica & Scottsdale, AZ for the past 10 years.  Moved to Las Vegas recently and LOVE IT.  “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
Life is what happens while you are making other plans.    John Lennon

Your funniest memory(s)while at PSHS.
At the time, in “63-64”, dating someone a year younger.

General Unloading Done Here.  Your choice of subject(s).  
You tell me.   There is no perfect world.  We create our own happiness.

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Stevie and Rita enjoying an evening at Ceasar's in February 2004

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