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Class of 1964

Robert Down

What are you doing these days?
Counting the days one at a time!  Come on! Stem Cells (Parkinson’s cure?)

Tell us about your children.  
Two sons, 27 & 30, not married yet, but soon!  Both college graduates.

Highlights of the past 40 years.
Marriage, children, graduation (H.S. & UCSB), and my wonderful PSHS friends! Most people I know have no contact w/ high school, but not us!  Private pilot’s license, my Harley!

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
“Those who know do not say” – Lao Tzu

Your funniest memory(s) while at PSHS.
Putting my arms around Rick Smith (Sces bro.) to keep form falling off his “chopper” Harley & Rick yelling “Hey, Don’t do that.”

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