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Class of 1964

Stefanie De  Stefano

What are you doing these days?
 I started a catering company five years ago and cater all types of events.  I have practiced yoga for the past eleven years and love it.  Whenever I have the chance I like to hike or walk any and all of the beautiful areas in and around San Diego.  I consider myself lucky to have kept so many life long friends and it is important to me to see them as often as possible. 

Tell us about your children.  
I have a lovely 27-year-old daughter.  Her name is Alexis and she works in the film industry as a makeup artist.  I am so proud of all that she has accomplished and of the fine person that she is.  My favorite times are spent with her.

Highlights of the past 40 years.
Forty years!  Yikes!  I have had a rich and interesting life.  In my 20’s & 30’s  I was given the opportunity to live and travel extensively overseas.  I came back to the United States 22 years ago and raised my daughter in San Diego.  Those were fabulous years for me and I was able to combine being a mother with my part time work as a Spanish language interpreter.  Five years ago I started a catering company and have enjoyed all of the challenges and triumphs involved in being a business owner.  I am grateful for all of the wonderful people that have come into my life and look forward to the new experiences around the bend.

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
No words of wisdom; I’m sure that all of you are doing just fine without my advice!

Your funniest memory(s) while at PSHS.
There was a party at someone’s house and the owners of the house weren’t home (what a surprise!).  The police arrived and I will never forget being hauled off to the police station in the back of Wayne Miller’s hearse.  I wasn’t embarrassed, just terrified of having to face my mother!

General Unloading Done Here.  Your choice of subject(s).  
I feel so lucky to be here celebrating our 40th reunion.  I wouldn’t trade one minute of my life and so I would have to say that things are just fine the way that they are.

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