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Class of 1964

Stephanie Steiner 

What are you doing these days?
I’m the executive director of the Alameda County Bowling Association as well as the Women’s Bowling Association.  Currently, also Secretary/Treasurer for California State Women’s 600 Bowling Club – for this organization I run bowling tournaments for women around CA & Nevada.  Also President of All Cities 600 Club located in San Diego.

Highlights of the past 40 years.
Have had a 35 yr. bowling career, some great moments – have had 3 300 games – highest series 767.  Have traveled around the world, have been to Japan 3 times to teach bowling.  Hall of Fame member – 1997 Alameda County Women’s Bowling Association & 2000 All Cities 600 Club.  San Leandro/Hayward Lodge #2795 – Elk of the Year 2002, California Women’s Bowling Association Service Award, June 2003.

Your funniest memory(s)while at PSHS.
 I can’t think of anything embarrassing…

General Unloading Done Here.  Your choice of subject(s).  
I really believe everything has moved in the direction it was supposed to.

Sorry I’m missing all the reunions, but they fall during major conventions that I must attend – May 1st I will be in Wichita for the Women’s International Bowling Congress as a delegate.  Hope everyone has a wonderful time – Sorry I missed you.

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