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Class of 1964

Tom Blair   

What are you doing these days?
We retired.  We cashed out our assorted businesses over the last few years.  Ilena retired this year from the Spa Casino as Cage Manager.  We’re looking for something new to jump into sooner or later.

Tell us about your children.  
Our daughter Denise is kept very busy raising our two grandsons – a junior and a senior at PSHS – graduation this year.

Highlights of the past 40 years.
The bride (of 37 years) and I have had the same phone number and address since 1969.  We’ve owned several businesses in and out of the valley, from a vending company valley wide to a rock-‘n-roll bar on Palm Canyon.  I keep my hand in my race car building company we’ve had since 1969.

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
Keep your overhead low – to enjoy

Your funniest memory(s)while at PSHS.

General Unloading Done Here.  Your choice of subject(s).   The way things ought to be is Conservative.

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