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Class of 1964

Jim Eubanks

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What are you doing these days?
Retired from nearly 30 years of college teaching in Ellensburg, Washington two years ago (yea!).  Now living in Bisbee, AZ (a small community of artisans and old hippies in the SE part of the state) with my soul mate of 44 years, Sara (Stocker - PSHS Class of 1967).  Doing lots of hiking, bicycling, motorcycling, travel (France a couple of months ago), reading, a little bit of writing, and some volunteering with the local homeless shelter and border animal rescue.  Trying to overlook the fact that our retirement decision, from benefit of hindsight, was probably not the best possible timing with the horrendous economic situation that has ensued.

Tell us about your children.  
One daughter (Penny) and one son (Jim Jr.), along with two granddaughters (Julia and Esme') and one grandson (Zack).  Penny, who was born in Palm Springs, is a public health nurse living in Ellensburg, WA with her husband Peter, a nurse anesthetist, and Zack (a sophomore at Ellensburg High).  Both Penny and Peter received their nursing degrees from Washington State University and Gonzaga.  Jim Jr. is a neuroscientist with Teva, International, and received his B.A. in Biology from Colorado College and his Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Washington.  Jim now lives in Minneapolis with his wife and two daughters.

Highlights of the past 40 years.
Married Sara after one year at College of the Desert.  Marriage (44 years now!) and the ever-looming Vietnam War motivated me to focus to my academics much more than at PSHS.  After two years at COD, transferred to Humboldt State and finished with a B.A. in Psychology in 1969, and followed-up with a Ph.D. in experimental psychology at Arizona State.  Bumped around a few years with a research job in CA, followed by teaching at ASU, before we moved to Ellensburg and settled in.  Sara retired from her middle school teaching job at the same time as me.  Both Sara and I both look back at our time at PSHS with fondness and marvel at how simple the world seemed then.  Many people now talk about 9/11 as a watershed event, and it was, but, for me, the assignation of JFK in the fall of my senior year seemed to be the tipping point for a lot of the weirdness that has happened since.

Words of Wisdom to Impart?
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional" (Hunter S. Thompson)

Your funniest memory(s) while at PSHS.
My mom driving me from Rancho Mirage to school each morning in my Corvette after having my license suspended for drag racing on Indian Ave. during Easter Week, 1964.

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